They say it is easier to teach a great rider how to fight than to teach a great fighter how to ride.
Yes, I am fully aware I am going about learning to joust backwards and very late in life.

As a child I met horses, but lost all my contacts in that area well before I reached my 10th birthday. As an adult, I had an opportunity to learn to fight first. I finally got my career to where I could also afford to ride only about a year ago.
So I began my armored fighting career at 45 and my riding lessons at 48. At 49 I acquired proper armor for a full contact joust should I decide to go that route. I have not fully decided what kind of jousting I want to do. I have parts I can leave off or swap out for lighter games. But I love horses and I love riding. I also love the beauty and design of armor and the pageantry of a tournament, both on foot and on horse.
I understand the training and dedication I will need to pull this off is a serious commitment. I know I do not ride often enough right now and I’m making the most of the hour a week I have in the saddle. That part is paying off it seems. Perhaps when the right training horse comes along, I’ll go in on a lease till I find my war horse.

What I’m getting at is I have chosen an uphill battle and I know the difficulties. I chose the pursuit of a chivalric life and all it entails. From a study of ethics and philosophy to learning compassion, to the rich history and even the physical pursuits. I’m finding joy and lessons in all of it.
Some think I’m delusional or crazy. I let them think that. I’ve chosen this life and these goals because I am passionate about them and, believe it or not, they are more achievable than some of the other things I’ve considered. I may be going about it the hard way, but better late than never. I take my motto seriously: “Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam” – “I will find a way or I will make one.” Who knows? If I win I win. If I fail, I might learn something, have fun, better myself, and perhaps even inspire someone along the way. I’d call that a win, too. The only loss is not to pursue my dreams.