I seek a stanza. If you want to take it further, I won’t complain, but a single stanza is all I need. Super bonus points if you write and perform a new folk song that people love.
The topic: In support of Ukraine in their struggle against their invaders. It should be in the form of a wish a prayer, a blessing, but religiously applicable to any and none. Caveat: Should Ukraine find peace and independence before the deadline, the topic changes to strengthening the borders from future attack, healing the people, and rebuilding prosperity.

UPDATE: Contest is over. Not a single entry. I get to keep thew sword till next time!
The format: The stanza must be in an epic poetry style, specifically, BOTH Iambic Pentameter AND Alliterative half-lines as found in Old Norse, Old and Middle English. (I never said this would be easy)
The Language: This stanza must be primarily in modern English, but may contain recognizable elements of other dialects and languages including but not limited to archaic English and commonly known phrases such as “póg mo thóin”, “Нет войны”, and even “Русский военный корабль иди на хуй” though I don’t think that exact phrase would fit well with the challenge. Also I need one stanza in English. If you write say… additional verses in other languages, that’s awesome
The Prize: I have little to give beyond Word Fame, but if I see something I find truly exceptional I may ask for an address to send you something as a prize. II’ll choose something appropriate to your stanza. ask that others do the same. If one entry inspires you, ask the poster to PM you their mailing address and send them something wonderful. UPDATE: The PEN is mightier than the SWORD. I have one I am willing to put forward as a prize. I have a MODIFIED “Single Hand Cruciform Sword” I got from Kult of Athena. I have modified it to be IMCF Legal by rounding the tip and I added a grip I liked (made of cloth tape). I have shaved down the blade a little to reduce the mass and move the balance rearward, but it is not to my liking. It would look magnificent on your wall or on the field. If we have a winner, I’ll give you this sword.
The Deadline: Thursday, 10th of March, 2022, 11:59pm Eastern US time.
How to Enter: Post a COMMENT to the ORIGINAL post on the Aspiring Knight page. (Entries on shares do not count!) OR use THIS FORM: