Another last minute addition, I’ll be a guest fighter with the Talbot Company armored fight demo group. I worked with them once before, long ago, at a little one-day event and I’m happy to cross blades again to entertain and educate the folks at this new local faire.

Wyndonshire is a new Renaissance Faire in Winchendon, MA. This is looking to be a fun event. If you’re around, come out and say hello.
Will I be there the second weekend? That’s still up in the air. My life outside armored fighting is kind of crazy right now. (If you’d like to help, I’m looking for a new job! My resume is easily found here. )
April 27th & 28th will bring Winchendon’s first Renaissance Faire to the Winchendon Community Park. The event will run from 11am -7pm each day. This will be a weekend of fun, fantasy, and Medieval jest.